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Publishing History

Harry Hole is not a single book but a series of crime novels written by Norwegian author Jo Nesbø. The series follows the character Harry Hole, a troubled but brilliant detective, as he tackles complex and often gruesome cases, primarily in Oslo but also in other parts of the world.

The first book in the series, The Bat, was published in 1997 in Norway and introduced readers to Harry Hole as he investigates a murder in Australia. The series has since become a major international success, with the books being translated into numerous languages and selling millions of copies worldwide.

The Harry Hole series is known for its intricate plots, deep character development, and intense psychological drama. Nesbø's writing is often compared to that of other great crime writers like Stieg Larsson and Henning Mankell.

As of my last update, the latest book in the series is Knife, which was published in 2019. The series has received critical acclaim and has a dedicated fanbase, eagerly awaiting each new installment. Nesbø's work on the Harry Hole series has cemented his reputation as one of the leading crime fiction authors of his generation.